"Digitalization is conceived in the frontend"

"There has to be a button for this" very often is the start of a new project as part of many digitalization efforts.
But starting a new project may holds one or another challenge or pitfall. And that's not solely technological but especially interpersonal. How can an implementation succeed?

Web Developer

SPA, PWA, SOA, API and more terms are part of most projects today. Personal preferences between frameworks and architectures must be avoided and the situation analyzed and processed in order to achieve results.


What are factors when developing web- and frontend-projects?

Successful applied: HTML/CSS/JavaScript/TypeScript, VueJS, Angular, NodeJS, PHP, C#, SQL, Firebase, Ionic, Cordova/Capacitor

At its core, this is not about specific languages or technologies but reaching goals such as in the areas of user experience (UX), performance, responsiveness or accessibility.

Always in mind: Don't use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut!


What does the role of a frontend architect mean?

Similar to house construction, architects are responsible for the project planning. Part of their tasks are the design of backends and services, the development of an user experience (UX) as well the support of the requirements engineering process similar to a consultant.

Important: Every project is unique and must be planned individually.

Developer Advocate

Especially big teams do not only need a plan for the technical implementation but also a plan for collaborating as a team.


What sort of organization helps the developer team?

A well structured and well communicated project planning, guidelines and documentation, the onboarding of new team members as well as the support of creating a team result in employee satisfaction, create sustainable structures and raise the sucess rate drastically.

Don't worry: The time spent is not lost but invested very lucrative.


Doesn't need a developer just a PC, power, internet and some coffee?

Similar to craftspersons there are also tool boxes for developers. They can use these tools in order to get things done easier. Examples are versioning with git, continuous integration / deployment or cloud and virtualization environments as well as methods such as code reviews or pair programming.

Attention: Overtooling has to be avoided by re-evaluating periodically in order to save nerves, time and money.

How can I assist you?

You can reach me via LinkedIn and Xing or using the form below.